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National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

988  or 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Crisis Textline text

'START' 741-741

General Suicide Education

Our school-based programs provide students with facts about suicide, alert them to suicide risk factors and warning signs, and provide them with help-seeking information for themselves or for others. These programs highlight protective factors and incorporate a variety of self-care strategies.

School gatekeeper training

This type of program is directed at school staff (teachers, counselors, coaches, etc.) to help them identify students at risk of suicide and refer them for help. These programs also train staff on how to respond in cases of a tragic death or other crisis in school.

Community gatekeeper training

This type of gatekeeper program provides training to community members such as first responders, medical, clergy, merchants, and recreation staff. This training is designed to help community members identify youth at risk of suicide and refer them for help. 


Educational Programs

With Hope Foundation is committed to supporting our schools' efforts in suicide prevention through education. We have pledged to make available speakers, materials, and resources to effectively educate our youth and community in the following ways:

Patti Ferraro

"More than ever, we must spread mental health awareness and continue to get our message out to young people that they are not alone, there is help available, and if someone shares their struggles or thoughts of suicide with them:


Director of Speaking

Heather Hernandez

"It is important to spread awareness about mental health and suicide prevention. Through our suicide prevention programs we empower individuals to reach out, provide support and make a life-saving difference!" - Heather

Executive Director

Annette Craig

"Through educating, equipping, and empowering individuals in mental health awareness and suicide prevention we have helped many individuals and families in crisis with resources and support services." - Annette


All of our speakers are ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) certified, COVID-19 vaccinated, and LiveScanned. 

Meet our speakers

All of our speakers are ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) certified,

COVID-19 vaccinated, and LiveScanned. 

All of our speakers are ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) certified,

COVID-19 vaccinated, and LiveScanned. 

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